Kintbury Ballet

Kintbury Ballet Classes for children and adults

Welcome to The Kintbury School of Ballet

The Kintbury School of Ballet has a warm and friendly atmosphere offering ballet classes for all ages and abilities.
From total novice to those who want to go on to dance professionally we can provide exceptional training to help you achieve your dreams.

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Miss Alex is reunited with three of her former pupils from her days teaching at The Royal Ballet School. Principal Dancers with The Royal Ballet Company Matthew Ball, Anna-Rose O'Sullivan and William Bracewell performed at the annual charity event at Athelhampton House.
Once again Miss Alex will be returning to this years Charity event in aid of displaced Ukrainian dancers.

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A wonderful opportunity for some of the Kintbury Ballet students. A day they will cherish.

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Miss Alex was delighted that Dame Darcey Bussell agreed to present an award to Simon Gammell for his achievement in persevering with the technical and physical demands of classical ballet to raise funds for "Supporting wounded Veterans" rehabilitation to employment. He attended Adult ballet classes at Kintbury Ballet School for 2 years.

